Sunday, 10 March 2013

Pilkkua Ja Raitaa / Spots And Stripes

Näin yksinkertainen kortti ja koko päivä mennyt pähkäillessä... :) Less Is More kuuluttaa pilkkujen ja raitojen perään ja värimaailma on kotoisin CAS Colours And Sketches- haasteblogista, molemmat suur-suosikkejani! Less Is Moressa on myös One Layer Week eli suoraan korttipohjaan piti työstää. Monien eri yritelmien jälkeen päädyin käyttämään Gelatins pilkullista ympyräleimasinta, se onkin muuten ensimmäinen koskaan hankkimani leimasin! Raidan maskasin post-it-lapuilla ja suttailin Distress Inkillä. One Layereihin ei saisi lisätä koristeita, mutta olen joskus nähnyt leipurin nyöriä DT-taitajien korteissa joten uskaltauduin sitä lisäämään, siinäkin kun on raitoja ja sopivat värit. Mukavaa illan jatkoa, huomenna puhaltavat taas uudet tuulet!

Hi there! My card is so super simple that you will not believe me when I say I've been thinking about it the whole day, trying different stamps and different layouts... :) I made it for Less Is More One Layer Week with Spots and Stripes, the colors I've used come from  CAS Colours And Sketches, I love both of these challenge blogs, they are always full of inspiration! I ended up using the first stamp that I ever bought -a spotty circle from Gelatins. The stripe is sponged with Distress Ink, I masked the area with post-its. One should not embellish one layer cards too much but I remember I've seen some DT-members use baker's twine in their one layers -I couldn't resist since it had my colors and it's stripy! :) Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you like my little card. Have a fun week! 


  1. Nonni,
    This card is just stunning in it's simplicity and clever design. I'm beginning to appreciate simple cards more and more.

  2. So very subtle, and the very light circle dots are such nice touch!

  3. Perfect combo of these challenges and a great design, the stamp may be old but it looks great. The bakers twine is the perfect finishing touch. Thanks for joining us at CC&S

  4. Hallo Nonni !

    Deine Karte gefällt mir sehr gut ! Schöne Farben !

    lg Frieda aus Österreich

  5. Hi Nonni. Fabulous card combining the two challenges. Love the dotted circle stamp! Loll xx

  6. A stunning CAS creation, Nonni. Really classy!
    xxx Asha
    Sunny Summer Crafts

  7. The tiny piece of twine on this lovely card is just fine Nonni!
    Lovely card!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  8. Great to see the combination of two challenges which works so well. The twine is the perfect touch. Thanks for joining in with our colour challenge at CAS Colours and Sketches this week

    Louise xx

  9. Beautiful CAS card, Nonni, just right for both challenges.

  10. Wonderful card! Love the spots & stripe combo. Great job with the colors! Thanks for joining us at CAS Colours & Sketches!

  11. Lovely Card - Thank you for joining us this week


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